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Building a Base for RWAs with

MetaStreet Expands to RWA Lending with and Base Starting today, users can earn yield and borrow against luxury watches on MetaStreet and Powered by Base, we're revolutionizing the $75B watch market by providing unprecedented access to liquidity and financing options. Here’s the quick TLDR of our launch:

  • Unlocking Liquidity & Seamless Transactions: We're solving liquidity issues in the luxury watch market with instant settlement, 24/7 trading, and ongoing debt market liquidity with Enjoy faster transactions and lower fees on Base.
  • RWA Expansion with New Protocol Feature: Building on our success with over $300M in NFT lending, we're expanding to Real-World Assets (RWA) with new Dynamic Loan-to-Value pools for real-time asset pricing.
  • Easy Onboarding & Future Growth: We're making onboarding easy with Coinbase’s smart wallet for quick wallet creation. We also plan to support tokenized land, music, domains, points, and gaming assets.

Building a Base for RWAs with Since launching MetaStreet’s Ascend Season 2, we've been focusing on Object Oriented Finance. Now, we’re expanding into real-world assets (RWAs) by partnering with and launching Dynamic LTV pools on Base Layer 2 blockchain.

What is and How this Partnership Improves Watch Trading & Lending is a leading platform for buying, selling, and trading luxury watches using blockchain technology. By tokenizing high-end timepieces, it creates a secure and transparent marketplace where enthusiasts and collectors can transact with confidence. The platform also offers fractional ownership, democratizing access to luxury assets and unlocking new investment opportunities.

Our partnership with aims to revolutionize the luxury watch market by incorporating MetaStreet’s borrowing capabilities. This collaboration will provide global access to enhanced capital and liquidity for luxury watches. For the first time, individuals can enter the watch market as lenders and earn yield from watches.

Upgrading the MetaStreet Protocol to Support RWAs Our partnership with also introduces Dynamic Loan-To-Value (LTV) Pools to the MetaStreet protocol. The upgrade leverages oracle-based floor prices to adjust real-time asset valuation and loan terms. Borrowers and lenders can also benefit from this new feature:

  • Borrowers gain more flexibility in maximizing their LTVs by capturing real-time value for their assets in bull markets when prices are rising.
  • Meanwhile, lenders gain a more passive approach to lending, as positions will respond to price movements for new loans.

Overall, dynamic LTV pools provide users with a better experience in terms of monitoring the value of their assets, without the need to keep on reviewing floor prices.

Why Build on Base With the launch of Base L2, MetaStreet is partnering with Coinbase to onboard the next million users. Base’s low fees, fast speeds, and efficient user onboarding make it the perfect infrastructure for our dynamic LTV pools with We’ve also incorporated Coinbase’s Smart Wallet into the app, allowing users to easily spin up a non-custodial wallet in seconds, making onboarding even more simple!

Base’s powerful developer support and efficient infrastructure will help us ship new products faster and create more utility for Object Oriented Finance (OOF). Stay tuned for more updates as we revolutionize the luxury watch market and beyond!

What’s Next and the Future of Object-Oriented Finance

Lending for luxury watches is just the beginning. With our focus to expand Object-Oriented Finance (OOF), we have plans to expand our protocol to support a variety of tokenized assets, including land, music, domain names, points, and gaming assets in the near future.

This partnership with is a significant step towards executing our RWA lending roadmap and our vision of unlocking yield and liquidity from a wide range of valuable illiquid assets onchain.

Don't miss out on the next big yield and lending opportunities—stay tuned for more updates as we continue to revolutionize the world of tokenized assets!

MetaStreet x FAQs

  • **How do I lend to watches? What are the projected APRs / terms?**
    • To lend to watches, follow the detailed instructions in our Docs. Projected APRs and terms vary based on market conditions and demand.
  • How is the LTV determined?
    • LTV (Loan-to-Value) is determined by the lender who deposits the funds. Lenders can set higher or lower LTVs based on their risk appetite.
  • How does the Dynamic LTV change day by day?
    • While the LTV itself remains fixed, the value of the underlying asset can fluctuate daily. Dynamic pricing ensures that the loan terms reflect the current market value of the watch.
    • Dynamic Loan-to-Value (LTV) Pools use third-party oracles to provide real-time pricing for unique assets like luxury watches. This ensures accurate and fair lending terms based on current market conditions.
  • Can I change my loan terms for better APR, duration, or LTV when I already have an existing loan on MetaStreet?
    • Yes, you can extend the loan and choose new terms that better suit your needs.
  • I have a watch I want to borrow against for crypto, how do I get started?
    • To get started, refer to the borrowing video on which provides a step-by-step guide on how to list your watch as collateral and borrow against it.
  • What happens when a watch loan is not repaid?
    • If a loan is not repaid, the watch used as collateral will be auctioned off to recover the loan amount, similar to any borrow position.
  • Will lending/borrowing activities for the Watches pool qualify for MetaStreet’s Ascend points?
    • Not at the moment, but stay tuned for future updates as we may include these activities in the Ascend points program in the future!
  • Why use Base L2 for lending and borrowing?
    • Base L2 offers low fees, fast transaction speeds, and efficient user onboarding. This makes it an ideal platform for facilitating seamless lending and borrowing activities.
  • What other assets will MetaStreet support in the future?
    • Beyond luxury watches, MetaStreet plans to support tokenized land, music, domain names, points, and gaming assets. Keep an eye out for announcements as we expand our protocol to include these new asset classes.